City of York Council |
Committee Minutes |
Meeting |
Customer and Corporate Services Scrutiny Management Committee-Commissioned Slot |
Date |
31 October 2022 |
Present |
Councillors Crawshaw (Chair), Fenton (Vice-Chair), Fisher, Hook (Substitute for Cllr Pearson), Kilbane (Substitute for Cllr Norman), Looker (Substitute for Cllr Musson) and Orrell (Substitute for Cllr Hollyer) |
In Attendance
Officers Present |
Councillors Hollyer, Pearson, Norman, Musson and Rowley
Cllr D’Agorne, Executive Member for Transport
Neil Ferris, Corporate Director of Place James Gilchrist, Director of Transport, Environment and Planning Ian Stokes, Principal Development Control Engineer (Planning) Dave Atkinson, Head of Highways and Transport Sandra Branigan, Senior Solicitor, Planning Gareth Arnold, Development Manager Bryn Roberts, Director of Governance and Monitoring Officer Dawn Steel, Head of Civic, Democratic and Scrutiny Services |
1. Declarations of Interest
Members were asked to declare at this point in the meeting any disclosable pecuniary interests or other registrable interests that they might have in the business on the agenda, if they had not already done so in advance on the Register of Interests.
No interests were declared.
2. Public Participation
It was reported that there had been no registrations to speak at the meeting under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme.
3. University Parking Update
The Corporate Director of Place introduced the report which provided an update on University Parking and gave a summary of the background. He explained that the expansion of the University needed to be considered in relation to local employment, the local transport plan (LTP) and transport behaviours. He also highlighted the obligations, in relation to the s106 agreement, would cease to apply after 30 September 2024.
Harvey Dowdy, Director of Technology, Estates and Facilities, University of York addressed the committee and noted the University’s sustainable travel plan was consistent with the City of York (CYC) policy. She highlighted a 20% float in available University car parking spaces and emphasised the University’s commitment to be a ‘good neighbour’.
Cllr Warters, Ward Member for Osbaldwick and Derwent, had been invited by the Chair to attend the meeting and provide a Ward Councillor viewpoint. He stated that Ward Councillors had not been included in any Travel Plan discussions. He noted it was important to address parking at the Heslington East site at the earliest opportunity. He acknowledged that he had seen an improvement in congestion and parking since the start of term.
He also responded to Members questions concerning the improved parking situation and student parking habits. He explained that students living in shared houses in Badger Hill with one parking permit between them had tended to leave their cars for weeks at a time in Osbaldwick.
University staff answered a number of questions from Members covering University parking surveys, student parking permit scheme and the University travel plan.
· Surveys were undertaken at different times through observation.
· The student permit scheme was for those students who lived outside the ring road or on placements.
· Officers confirmed that they were in recent receipt of the University travel plan.
Following debate, the Chair summarised the Committee’s comments on the University Parking Update, as outlined in the report and further presented at the meeting as being:
· An update from officers be circulated to the Committee on the cycling and pedestrian network projects, as identified in LTP3, that had not yet been delivered;
· To request that the future Travel Plan seeks to reduce the number of car journeys;
· To request the University commit to develop an ongoing relationship with the relevant Ward Councillors;
· To request the Executive Member work closely with the University and other stakeholders to ensure a holistic approach to the active travel routes.
These requests were acknowledged and welcomed by both the University representatives and the Executive Member for Transport.
Resolved: That the content and recommendations of the University Parking Update be noted, subject to the above additional requests.
Reason: To support the development of the Travel Plan.
Cllr J Crawshaw, Chair
[The meeting started at 1.11 pm and finished at 2.12 pm].